
We know that as a tradie your time is precious. There is enough to do juggling work and family commitments and keeping track of where you’re at on a day to day basis and this is why the Master Plumbers Association of Tasmania (MPAT) has designed CPD Toolbox to help you meet your CPD requirements.

CPD Toolbox is available free to all licensed plumbers and gas-fitters in Tasmania; is easy to use and enables you to keep all your CPD records and information in one handy location.

As records of your CPD are required by Consumer, Building and Occupational Services (CBOS) on renewal of your licence, CPD Toolbox makes this extra easy for you by giving you the ability to:  

  1. keep records of CPD activities that you have undertaken and the points you have earned;
  2. access our E-learn training
  3. upload other CPD activity information; and
  4. print and email a CPD Report of completed activities to accompany your licence renewal.

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